Foundation Board of Advisors
Earl Noble; Ph.D., M.Sc., B.Sc.
Dr. Noble is currently a tenured Professor in the Department of Kinesiology at the University of Western Ontario in London, Ontario, Canada. Earlier he held positions as an Assistant Professor at the University of Windsor, and as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the York University. Dr. Noble has held several academic administrative appointments at the University as Graduate Programme Chair (Kinesiology), and as Director of the School of Kinesiology. He is a member of several academic or professional societies including the American College of Sports Medicine, the Canadian Association of Sports Science, the International Society for Myochemistry, the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology, the Sports Medicine and Science Council of Canada, the National Organization of Sports Sciences, and the International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education. Dr. Noble has been the recipient of numerous grants including the NSERC - Stress proteins in skeletal muscle: exercise response and functional implications; NSERC – The stress response to exercise; the CIHR - Shoemaker, J.K. (P.I.), D. Jackson and E.G. Noble. Physical activity, estrogen and peptidase control of neurovascular function in skeletal muscle; the CIHR – Petrella, R.J. (P.I.) et al. Innovation to reduce cardiovascular complications of diabetes at the intersection of discovery, prevention and knowledge exchange; the Lawson Research Institute Doris Anderson Fund for Geriatric Research - Age and gender related differences in expression of cardioprotective HSP72; the NSERC - Stress proteins in skeletal muscle: exercise response and functional implications; the NSERC - Stress proteins in skeletal muscle: exercise response and functional implications; and the Heart and Stroke Foundation - Gender specific regulation of myocardial HSP 72: Molecular and functional implications. Dr. Noble has published and co-published extensively including: O'Neill, D.E.T. F.K. Aubrey, D.A. Zeldin, R.N. Michel, and E.G. Noble. Slower skeletal muscle pheno types are critical for constitutive expression of Hsp70 in overloaded rat plantaris muscle, Journal of Applied Physiology 100: 981-987, 2006. (published online Nov 17th, 2005); Noble, E.G., R. Ho and T. Dzialoszynski. Exercise is the primary factor associated with Hsp70 induction in muscle of treadmill running rats. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica. 187: 495-501, 2006. (published on-line May 25, 2006); Melling, C.W.J., M.Krause and E.G. Noble. PKA-mediated ERK1/2 inactivation and hsp70 gene expression following exercise. Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology. 41: 816-822, 2006. (published on-line June 27, 2006); Thorp, D.B. J.V. Haist, J. Leppard, M. Karmazyn and E.G. Noble. Exercise training improves myocardial tolerance to ischemia in male but not female rats, American Journal of Physiology. 293: R363-R371, 2007. (published on-line May 16, 2007); Chen,Y., T.S.Voegeli, P.P. Liu, E.G. Noble and R.W. Currie. Heat shock paradox and a new role of heat shock proteins and their receptors as anti-inflammatory targets. Inflammation and Allergy-Drug Targets 6: 91-100, 2007. He holds a Ph.D. degree in Physical Education from Washington State University in Pullman WA, and both a M.Sc. and B.Sc. degrees from the University of Waterloo in Canada.