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Attitudinal Childhood Obesity Survey
© N.C.O.F.
, 2007-2012
Current Survey Results
Ten Key Findings
Demographic information for classification purposes only
Are you a: (Select one)
Parent or expecting parent
Guardian (or relative)*
Gatekeeper (child-care provider, child-sitter, K-4 teacher or administrator, etc.)*
(*2-5 will be referred to as a person or persons in "charge" of a child's daily welfare throughout this survey when a parent or parents are not available to do so)
How many children do you have under the age of 18 years? (Select one)
Expecting parent
More than 4
Please indicate your age range: (Select one)
17 or under
Please indicate your gender. (Select one)
Which best describes your household employment status? (Select one)
Two parent/grandparent(s)/guardian home, both working full time
Two parent/grandparent(s)/guardian home, one working full time, one part time
Two parent/grandparent(s)/guardian home, one working, one stay at home
Two parent/grandparent(s)/guardian/home, both home full time
Single parent/grandparent home, working full time
Single parent/grandparent home, working part time
Single parent/grandparent, stay at home full time
What is your race? (Only U.S. and Canadian respondents select one)
African American
Native American
Asian American
What region of the globe do you reside? (Select one)
U.S. New England (MA, CT, VT, ME, NY, NH, RI, NY, PA, NJ)
U.S. Mid-West (WI, MI, IL, OH, ND, SD, NE, KS, MN, IA, MO)
U.S. South (DE, MD, DC, VA, WV, NC, SC, GA, FL, AL, TN, MS, LA, OK TX, AR)
U.S. West (ID, MT, WY, NV, UT, CO, AZ, NM, AK, WA, OR, CA, HI)
Canada: Maritime Provinces (Newfoundland & Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and PEI)
Canada: Eastern Provinces (Quebec, Ontario)
Canada: Prairie Provinces (Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta)
Canada: West Coast Province (British Columbia)
Canada: North Territories (Nunavut, Yukon, Northwest Territories)
Great Britain (England, N. Ireland, Scotland, Wales)
Western Europe (Ireland, France, Germany, The Netherlands, Spain, Austria, Portugal, Italy)
Central Europe (Poland, Hungry, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Croatia)
Eastern Europe (Bulgaria, Romania, Belarus, Ukraine, Russia, Georgia)
Scandinavia (Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Greenland, Iceland)
Baltic States (Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia)
Southeast East Asia (Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, Laos, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia)
Far East (Japan, China, S. Korea, Mongolia, Philippines, Pacific Islands)
Sub-Continent (India, Burma, Pakistan, Bengal-Desh, Nepal, Ceylon)
Middle-East (including: Israel and Turkey)
Africa (entire continent)
Central America (including: Mexico, Cuba, and Caribbean Islands)
South America (entire continent)
Which one of the following ranges best describes your annual and/or household income (in Euro dollars)?
Under $10,000
$150,000 and over
Attitudinal: Developing healthy nutritional and exercise (or physical activity) habits is essential for my good health.
Do you see yourself as:
Not very health conscious
Somewhat health conscious
Moderately health conscious
Very health conscious
Extremely health conscious
Do you eat healthy nutritious foods more than three times a week (fresh fruits, vegetables, fish, broiled chicken and turkey, etc)?
Very seldom (less than twice a month)
On occasion (less than twice a week)
When possible
Most times
Do you eat highly processed food more than twice a week? (i.e. cereals, chips, crackers, white bread, pasta, fried food, sodas, red meat, canned foods, etc.)
Very seldom (less than twice a month)
On occasion (less than twice a week)
When possible
Most times
How many times a week do you engage in exercise (or physical activity)?
Once a week or less
Two times a week
Three times a week
Four times a week
Which exercise (or physical activity) below best describes your exercise routine?
Moderate weight training
Organized Sports ( Local Gym, at Work, etc.)
Attitudinal: Obese and/or overweight children will most likely develop health related issues (i.e., diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, certain cancers, sleep apnea, etc.) as teens and young adults.
What is your immediate reaction when you see an obese or very overweight child?
Thyroid condition.
No parental guidance or understanding of the immediate and long-term health concerns.
Laziness and/or apathy.
Both 2 & 3.
Not sure.
What key factor is greatest in forming a child's attitude toward making healthy choices:
TV Ads and Kids movies
Parent and/or relative.
Gatekeeper (day-care provider, child-sitter, K-4 teacher, etc.).
Both 2 & 3.
All of the above
Attitudinal: Childhood obesity is now reaching epidemic proportions in the U.S.
What is your understanding of childhood obesity?
Overeating and not exercising.
Not being w/in 20 lbs of ideal weight or BMI less than 85% for the child's age and gender.
Carrying more than 40 lbs over ideal weight or BMI greater than 85% for the child's age and gender.
Having too much body fat.
Not sure
What interests you most regarding the issue of childhood obesity?
Learning more about the causes of childhood obesity.
Learning more about helping implement nutritional and physical activity programs at my child's (or charge's) school.
Learning more about healthier food choices.
Learning more about healthier exercise (physical activity) choices.
All of the above.
What are you currently doing to educate yourself and/or child (or charge) regarding healthy nutrition and/or exercise (daily physical activity)?
TV shows on health and fitness.
Visit web sites/read on-line newspaper articles/Subscribe to health magazine.
Leading by example in making healthier personal choices, exercising more, and discussing the importance of making healthy choices with my child or charge.
All of the above.
Attitudinal: Proper nutrition is essential to a child's health and fitness.
Which factor or factors presents the greatest challenge for you?
Misleading labeling by food processors (Less sugar, Less fat, Less sodium, Organic, All-Natural, etc. does it really mean healthier? )
Time to research, find, and prepare healthy foods.
Perceived expense of purchasing healthier food choices.
Both 1 & 2 above.
Both 2 & 3 above.
I am unable to get my child(ren) (or charge(s)) to eat healthier because:
I don't know how to combine happy* with healthy.
I don't know how to counter misleading advertising targeting children.
I don't have the time.
Both 1 & 2.
I don't know how to just say NO to non-nutritious meals.
(*Happy meaning child's developed perception and physical cravings of tasty {highly processed oils, sugars, and salted and caffeinated foods} meals from prior home and/or dining-out eating experiences)
Attitudinal: Proper daily exercise (or physical activity) is essential to a child's health and fitness.
Where do you think your child or charge receives MOST of his or her exercise (physical activity) on a weekly basis? (Select one)
Neighborhood Playground/Backyard.
Organized sports (Soccer/European Football, Basketball, Baseball, Softball, etc.).
School physical education program.
Organizational activities (Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, YMCA, etc.).
Not sure.
What TWO types of physical activities do you most often participate in with your child or charge?
Sport related in the yard (baseball, t-ball, kickball, soccer, etc.)
Attitudinal: I can shape my child's or charge's overall attitude toward proper daily nutrition and physical activity.
Who should make the daily nutritional and physical activity choices for my child or charge?
I as the Parent.
I as the Grandparent or Guardian (or relative).
I as the Gatekeeper (K-4 teacher or administrator, day care provider, etc.).
Both 1 & 2.
Both 1 & 3.
1 through 3.
The child.
Not Sure.
Who is ultimately responsible for shaping a child's health and fitness attitude:
I as the Parent.
I as the Grandparent or Guardian (or relative).
I as the Gatekeeper (K-4 teacher or administrator, day care provider, etc.).
Both 1 & 2.
Both 1 & 3.
1 through 3.
The child.
Not Sure.
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