Foundation Board of Trustees
Nancy M. Del Prato; M.Ed., C.A.E.S.

Ms. Del Prato currently serves on the Board of Trustees for National Childhood Obesity Foundation, Inc. in Marblehead, MA. She is a middle school Mathematics and Science teacher for the Cumberland Public Schools in Cumberland, RI. Earlier, Ms. Del Prato was a high school Mathematics teacher for the same Cumberland Public School system. Even earlier, she was an Acting Principal and Vice-principal at the Christopher Columbus High School in Boston, MA. While on unpaid leave from the Cumberland Public Schools she was a graduate supervisor for the Office of Practicum Experiences and a research assistant for the Educational Research, Measurement and Evaluation Department at Boston College. Ms. Del Prato has been an Instructor in Education and Mathematics at both Salem State College and North Shore Community College. She has chaired the Mathematics and Science Department at Newton Catholic High School. Ms Del Prato has created, piloted, and analyzed "Draw a Mathematician" a mathematical self-concept for young students. She has conducted national research on Total Quality Management's utilization in high school mathematics departments and has utilized the "Taguchi Techniques for the Science Classroom." Ms. Del Prato has professional associations with Phi Delta Kappa - Boston College's Chapter, the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, the American Association of Physics Teachers, the American Chemical Society, the Rhode Island Science Teacher Association, and the National Science Teacher Association. She holds both C.A.E.S. in Educational Research, Measurement and Evaluation and a M.Ed. in Curriculum, Instruction, Supervision and Administration from Boston College in Chesnut Hill, MA and a B.A. in Mathematics with concentration in Science from Salem State University in Salem, MA.